Bob Lembke has always tried to look to the future.
As a student at Arapahoe High School in the early 1970s, he successfully pushed for bike lanes in Littleton. When he ran for Greenwood City Council, he was endorsed by both the Sierra Club and the Board of Realtors. As a councilman, he co-sponsored what was believed to be the nation’s first municipal ordinance dealing with the recycling of chlorofluorocarbons, which destroy the ozone.
And his Bromley Park development in Adams County features innovative drainage and enhancements involving wetlands, and parks with ground-level water fountains for thirsty dogs.
When Bob realized something needed to be done about water to accommodate agriculture and the state’s fast-paced growth, he formed United Water and Sanitation District in 2003. His leadership has made United a dynamic member of Colorado’s water community.
He also is known for his philanthropic endeavors. He built a playground for the children of Kersey when the old playground was ordered closed for safety reasons. He donated land for a hospital and charter school in Adams County.
He helped finance an indoor playground for Israeli children living within miles of the Gaza strip to protect them from rocket attacks. He is supporting an archeological dig and a Catholic Community Center in the town of Magdala, where Jesus preached on the shores of Galilee. He co-funded reservoirs in the Arava desert in southern Israel to facilitate the growth of the area’s agricultural economy,
Bob also serves as co-chairman of the Jewish National Fund Water Committee, which has been instrumental in developing innovative solutions for water supply, water quality, and transforming the Negev desert into a green agricultural resource.
Bob and his wife Carol have two grown daughters.
- LL.M. (Taxation) University of Denver College of Law
- Juris Doctor University of Denver College of Law
- Bachelor of Science, Accounting, University of Colorado College of Business Administration
- Arapahoe High School, 1973 graduate; student body president
- Recipient of the 1974 University of Colorado Presidential Scholarship
- National Merit Scholar